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Careers Abroad

By working or volunteering abroad, you develop intercultural communication skills and enhance interpersonal skills.

Working, Teaching, & Volunteering

Just as studying abroad taught you independence, self confidence, and adaptability, working abroad will continue to increase those skills. Working in an international office, like working in an office in the United States, affords you the chance to learn more about your chosen field and to develop new work skills.

More than that, though, you will learn how to be a part of a multicultural workforce and will develop an international network of colleagues. And lastly, you will improve your language skills, learn about another culture, and possibly even learn more about yourself and your own culture.

On this page, we offer links to some programs that can help you find overseas work placements and links to some websites that offer advice to U.S. citizens working abroad. Please note that we do not endorse the programs listed below; rather, we offer them simply as a place where you can begin your research.

Teach English Abroad

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Charla Bailey

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